
The company organized and held the "family health project" learning and implementation meeting

Column:Company news Time:2021-01-29

On the morning of January 28, the company organized a learning, publicity and implementation meeting of "yuqiaofu technology family health project" in the conference room of office building A1, and invited Niu can, the manager in charge of China Life Insurance Qufu branch, to interpret the city's "family health project" benefit policy, popularize the health concept for the company's employees, and explain the prevention of serious diseases and related insurance knowledge. Zhang Yan, the chief of the party construction section of Qufu Economic Development Zone, attended the meeting, which was presided over by Zhang Jiumei, the deputy general manager of the company, the heads of workshops and department heads.

It is understood that since the implementation of the "women's health project" in Qufu, the Qufu women's Federation and the Qufu branch of China Life Insurance have cooperated with each other and taken many measures to steadily promote the work of women's health insurance in the city. Through strengthening public opinion publicity, enhancing health awareness, seriously solving the actual living difficulties of women caused by special diseases, and constantly improving the level of women's health security, The "women's safety project" has been built into a tangible project to benefit the people. Since this year, the Qufu women's Federation and the Qufu branch of China Life Insurance have conscientiously implemented the deployment and arrangement of the superiors, carried out the "family health project" throughout the city, expanded and upgraded the original women's health project, included healthy men aged 16 to 60 among family members into the scope of insured objects, and gradually established a family special disease risk guarantee system, aiming to build the stability and prosperity of the social family with the harmony and happiness of the small family of citizens.

The company organized this learning, publicity and implementation meeting to enable middle-level cadres of the enterprise to learn one step first and further, understand the specific content of the "family health project" in detail, focus on mastering the knowledge related to serious disease prevention and insurance, and re publicize and re launch the company's female employees and all employees. In accordance with the principle of "autonomy and voluntariness", the cadres and workers of the company should actively participate in the application of the "family health project" and benefit from it, so as to effectively provide a considerate comprehensive guarantee for the life and health of enterprise employees and family members, and help the city's "family health project" to continue to advance steadily.

(MA Yalin, general manager office)

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